Going under the knife may not be the only solution for women experiencing pelvic organ prolapse. There are alternative options, such as a removable vaginal device that may satisfactorily provide relief for women with prolapse symptoms.
A vaginal pessary, which can come in different shapes and sizes serves to support the pelvic organs that are protruding into the vagina. They can be self-managed or they can be managed by the treating doctor. A well-fitted pessary is comfortable, supportive and is easy to manage in the majority of cases.
Classed as a conservative treatment approach, a vaginal pessary offers a safe, short to medium term and a well-tolerated option that is inexpensive.
According to recent studies, pessary users have reported an improvement in symptoms by about 70-90%(need reference) after regular use for 2 years and more.
While surgery may be the best option for some women, it may not be ideal for all patients. This is particularly for women who have yet to complete their family or for whom the prolapse may not be as advanced to require surgery. .
Dr Wong will be able to perform a thorough pelvic assessment to assess the severity of your prolapse. If a pessary is amenable and desired, Dr Wong will be able to determine which type of pessary would be the right fit for you and provide the support required.
Once a pessary is fitted, you can self-manage this on a monthly basis or you may wish to have your pessary managed by Dr Wong either 2 – 3 times a year. The risks of pessary use are vaginal abrasions, infections and bleeding; however, these risks are minimal if the pessary is well-managed.