Urodynamics is a test designed to evaluate the function of the bladder during filling and emptying. This test provides insights into the symptoms that women with urinary incontinence, difficulty with bladder emptying and pelvic organ prolapse experience.
What is involved in the test?
Before the procedure starts, you will be given an antibiotic to prevent the risk of urinary tract infection. A small catheter will then be placed into your bladder along with another in the vagina or rectum. The bladder will then be slowly filled to simulate your bladder filling in your day-to-day living.
You will be asked to empty your bladder into a special toilet at the end of the test to measure the amount, pattern and rate of urine flow.

How will I feel during the test?
As your bladder is filled with sterile fluid, you may feel the urge to urinate. It is important that you describe how your bladder feels with Dr Wong. You may be asked to cough or strain several times, which may make you leak urine. Remember, this is only the water that is being filled and it will provide a clear answer for your symptoms. When your bladder is full, you will be asked to empty it.
You may experience a slight discomfort, but it should not be painful. The benefit of being awake during this test is that you can give immediate feedback to Dr Wong at every step of the test.
How long does the test take?
The test will take approximately 30 mins. Depending on your test results, a follow up appointment may be made.
How do I prepare for the test?
You will be asked to complete a bladder diary before your Urodynamics test as a way to document the volume of fluid you consume and expel over three consecutive days.
What happens on the day of the test?
Please come in with a comfortably full bladder. If you need to go to the toilet, please let the receptionist know. Otherwise, try to hold on until you are called in by Dr Wong.
Can I take my usual medications prior to the test?
If you are taking tablets to help your bladder control (eg Ditropan, Vesicare, Detrusitol or Betmiga). Please stop these at least 2 weeks before your appointment unless advised by Dr Wong.
What happens if I have my period on the day of the test?
Don’t worry. You are still able to undergo the test.
Are there any side effects?
Some people may experience a mild burning sensation when they urinate after the test. This is normal and will typically go away within a day. You should be able to resume your normal activities after the test. You are at a higher risk of developing UTI after this test, so please inform us or see your GP if you develop any of the UTI symptoms. Drink lots of liquid to flush your bladder as you are at a higher risk of developing UTI.