
Our rooms are located in the Gold Coast. See location, hours and contact details below. If you have a question, please complete our enquiry form and one of our reception staff will get back to you as soon possible to answer your query.

Gold Coast

For all appointment types

AddressSuite 1 Level 1
Pindara Place,
13 Carrara Street,
Benowa QLD 4217
Tel 1300 848 966
Fax 1300 848 988
HoursMonday – Thursday: 8:00am to 3:30pm 
Friday: 8:00am to 1:00pm
Closed on weekends and public holidays

How to find us:

  1. Park in the Pindara Private Hospital multi-story carpark – off 29 Carrara Street.
  2. Take the lift to level 1 and walk out through the glass doors beside Hudson’s cafe
  3. Cross the driveway and enter Pindara Place
  4. Take the lift to level 1


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